Website usage agreement
The Buyguru website is a travel blog created by the site owner only. The content on the blog is based on my personal experiences and experience. During the pre-trip mask and during it I document the experiences and write side notes that will be used by me to create content that will convey to blog readers the information as accurately as possible, apologize in advance if you found inaccuracies in the articles and would love to know about it.
I hereby make it clear that the articles come to convey my personal point of view, and yet I try to be as objective and accurate as possible with the understanding that content readers will use materials when planning a trip, but I will not bear any responsibility for any glitch, problem, damage etc. Direct or indirect in this content. In addition, I do not sell flights, accommodation, car rental service and other services to which links are posted on this site and therefore any transaction made through this or that link will be the sole responsibility of the buyer and will not include me as a party to the matter at any stage.
Use of the content of the site
Have fun using links from the site for advertising or sharing on social media, just give credit to the name of the blog / site. You can even print the articles for personal use during your trip. Partial or complete copying of the content for advertising or commercial use will be after approval only.
Also, for content owners in the same areas of interest, backlinks are welcome, contact me on the subject.
Use of user data
Hereby undertakes not to abuse and / or sell / transfer to third parties the information of the surfers such as: email addresses, names, etc. All details will be used for the purpose of contacting the site owner and the blog readers who are interested.
Mission Statement
If you have noticed, the site is not loaded with advertisements but focuses on quality and rich content and although the blog was not set up for profit only, the publication of some of the links on the site are part of sharing programs. This means that I may receive a certain commission on the order placed through the link. The price to the customer will remain the same price regardless of the form of your order (no commissions are rolled over to the customer). This will help me a lot in financing the expenses involved in managing and maintaining the site so I would be very happy if you order through the links and allow me to continue to create diverse and quality content that will serve you blog readers and less burden the site with banners that burden the user experience.
Keep visiting and enjoying the blog, thank you for continuing to return to the site.
Always available for questions / comments via contact us.
Want to invite me to a beer and support the blog? More than happy.
You can also go through the link here .